My Patterning Page


Below are my results shot from a Benelli SBE with 28" barrels using a Wad Wizard Supreme, Wad Wizard SWAT, Briley Extended Ported Light Modified, Briley Extended Improved Modified, and a .700 Terror Tube.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to e-mail me.

Basics of Patterning
Pattern and Penetration Testing by Rob Douglas




25 Yards

Ammo Type SWAT .700 Terror Briley LM
Remington Sportsman Steel
2-3/4" 1-1/8
#6 @ 1300 FPS
326/347= 94%
338/347= 97%
329/347= 95%
3" 1-1/4
#4 @ 1425 FPS
195/222= 88%
208/222= 94%
216/222= 97%
Baschieri & Pellagri
3" 1-1/4
#2 @1400 FPS
148/162= 91%
150/162= 93%
162/162= 100%
Kent Fasteel
3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1500 FPS
162/166= 98%
160/166= 96%
Kent Fasteel
3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1560 FPS
158/166= 95%
162/166= 98%
161/166= 97%
3" 1-1/4
#3 @ 1425 FPS
184/190= 97%
188/190= 99%
186/188= 99%
Kent Tungsten Matrix
2-3/4" 1-3/8
#5 @ 1375 FPS
181/210= 86%
214/215= 99%
188/210= 90%
3.5" 1-1/2
BBB @ 1400 FPS
79/82= 96%
  83/83= 100%
Winchester Xpert Hi-Velocity
3" 1-1/8
BB @ 1550 FPS
84/85= 99%
85/85= 100%
84/86= 98%
Remington Premier Nitro 27
2-3/4" 1-1/8
#7.5 @ 1300 FPS
Winchester AASC
2-3/4" 1-1/8
#8 @ 1300 FPS
Winchester AASC
2-3/4" 1-1/8
#7.5 @ 1300 FPS
2-3/4" 1-1/4
#8 @ 1330 FPS


40 Yards


Ammo Type WW Briley LM Briley IM
3" 1-1/4
#3 @ 1425 FPS
Remington Sportsman Steel
2-3/4" 1-1/8
#6 @ 1300 FPS
Kent Fasteel
3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1560 FPS
Baschieri & Pellagri
3" 1-1/4
#2 @1400 FPS
Winchester AASC
2-3/4" 1-1/8
#7.5 @ 1300 FPS
Winchester Xpert Hi-Velocity
3" 1-1/8
BB @ 1550 FPS
3.5" 1-1/2
BBB @ 1400 FPS
Kent Tungsten Matrix
3" 1-1/2
#1 @ 1350 FPS
Kent Tungsten Matrix
3.5" 2-1/8
#3 @ 1225 FPS
3" 1-1/4
#4 @ 1425 FPS
Kent Fasteel
3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1560 FPS
107/166 = 65%

113/166= 68%

86/166= 52%

.700 Terror


After I did the math on the patterns I wasn't happy with the numbers so I cut open one of each shell and manually counted them.  Teach me to use a chart.
    For the Xpert #6 it was 376 and the shot was pretty rough and different sizes.
    For the Xpert BB it was 87 and the shot was again rough
    For the B&P #2 it was 162 and the shot was smooth and uniform.
    For the Kent #3 it was 166 and the shot was smooth and uniform.
    For the Estate BBB it was 81 the shot was smooth and uniform.
    For the Estate #3 it was 190 the shot was smooth and uniform.
    For the Estate #4 it was 222 the shot was smooth and uniform.
    For the Remington #6 it was 347 and uniform.  Kinda surprised how uniform the pellets were considering this is Rem "cheap" load.

Added 6.26.04

SBE II Patterns
Ok, about 26 yards for each shot, SBE II with 28" barrel and stock IC choke. Temp was about 80 today with the humidity about 86% and a slight mist, no wind.

287/376= 76%

Winchester Xpert 2-3/4" 1-1/8
#6 @ 1300 FPS
64/87= 74%

Winchester Xpert Hi-Velocity 3" 1-1/8
BB @ 1550 FPS
133/162= 82%

Baschieri & Pellagri 3" 1-1/4
#2 @1400 FPS
137/166= 83%

Kent Fasteel 3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1560 FPS

Added 7.05.04

SBE II Patterns
Ok, about 25 yards for each shot, SBE II with 28" barrel and a Briley X2 LM choke. Temp was about 90 today with the humidity about 70% and a no wind.

163/166= 98%

Kent Fasteel 3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1560 FPS
77/81= 95%

Estate 3.5" 1-1/2
BBB @ 1400 FPS
86/87= 98.85%

Winchester Xpert Hi-Velocity 3" 1-1/8
BB @ 1550 FPS
163/166= 98%

Kent Fasteel 3" 1-1/8
#3 @ 1560 FPS
376/378= 99.4%

Winchester Xpert 2-3/4" 1-1/8
#6 @ 1300 FPS
161/162= 99%

Baschieri & Pellagri 3" 1-1/4
#2 @1400 FPS

